The COVID 19 Pandemic – Going Online

Almost exactly one year ago, in what feels like another world, we wouldn’t have dreamt that the majority of the Simulated Patient sessions we’d be facilitating would be online. Yet, that’s now the case, and at the 1 year anniversary of ‘Going Online’ it felt like a moment to reflect and look back. Partnerships are tested […]
Integrate Simulation-based Learning into your Programme

September is a busy time here at Peel Roleplay, as we get ready for the next academic year, working with our clients to prepare and train our Simulated Patients (SPs) for medical students’ communication skills learning. For many years, roleplay, simulation and theatre-based learning techniques have been used as a training methodology to allow practitioners to build skills, […]
A Documentary About Simulated Patients Wins ‘Best Short’ at DOC NYC

‘Bedside Manner’ is a short documentary directed by Corinne May Botz which focuses on Simulated Patients (SPs) and their interactions with clinicians. The film explores empathy and medical relationships through the practice of using actors to assist in the communication skills training of student doctors.Artist and Filmmaker, Corinne May Botz, gained special access to clinical skills centres throughout […]