Exam season is upon us and we’re working closely with our clients to provide the most suitable and experienced Simulated Patients (SPs) for their needs.
The organisation of medical students’ examinations is a big task and here at Peel Roleplay, we’re proud to be just one cog in the machine that helps our clients’ exams run smoothly.
SPs play a very important role in modern medical education, allowing students to simulate potentially high-risk situations in an environment in which the student can learn from their errors without any negative implication to real patients.
Thanks to our committed cohort of SPs, we are able to provide a reliable and valued service to our clients. Sometimes we can be booking up to 45 SPs a day, which gives you an idea of how important reliability is in this vital time in the students’ learning, so we are very thankful for our organised clients and SPs– they really make this busy period an enjoyable and rewarding one.
We’re looking forward to the rest of a summer chock-full of exams and we wish all students taking part the best of luck.
If you think that Peel Roleplay’s Simulated Patient Services could benefit your programme and want to know more, please contact info@peelroleplay.com or call us on 01756 796176.
Handy exam acronyms guide:
OSCE– Objective Structured Clinical Examination
ISCE– Integrated Structured Clinical Examination
By Daphne Franks, Training & Development at Peel Roleplay