Richard (Business Development and Partnerships Manager for Peel Roleplay) attended The ASPiH (Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare) Conference at The Hilton Metropole Hotel in Brighton on the 8th of November 2023.
The conference was attended by simulation practitioners from nursing colleges, medical schools, NHS Trusts, universities and was supported by sponsors providing clinical simulation training, education, software and dummies (pictured) used healthcare simulation.
As the leading national provider of Simulated Patients (Roleplay Actors) to the UK’s healthcare sector we are of course committed to remaining at the forefront of discussions and best practice across the broad spectrum of medical simulation. Peel Roleplay provides Simulated Patients (SPs) for communication skills sessions, clinical skills sessions and OSCE assessments to a number of university’s medicine, health sciences, and physician associate degree courses across the UK- it was a great couple of days networking with a range of like-minded organisations and prominent individuals in our sector.
This year’s conference theme of “Sustainable Simulation” was selected to help simulation practitioners focus on becoming more mindful of how to develop, use and succession plan within healthcare simulation services. The conference’s aim was to focus on sustainability to help support quality in simulation activity that enhances patient and team safety. This meant there was a specific focus on how simulation providers undertake service and learning needs analysis, how we plan our training and how to invest in our resources including; staff, patients and colleagues, educational equipment and software and how we build our knowledge base, through the use of simulation as a research tool.

The conference was also an opportunity to launch the new ASPiH 2023 Standards to the industry. It was the first major overhaul of the ASPiH standards since 2016 and represented a number of changes to the common framework within educational and healthcare sectors to account for developments and evolution in simulation practice, for new technologies and address themes such as sustainability, equity, diversity and inclusion.
It was fascinating to meet so many diverse simulation professionals and understand what was driving their decision-making processes when it comes to using simulation services, and specifically utilising role-play actors in healthcare simulations.
Peel Roleplay look forward to attending next years’ ASPiH 2024 Conference.